After a long weekend of soul searching and meeting with my parents and such I was very much ready for the phonecall on Monday! Naturally they kept me waiting until about 15:30 but at least they called as promised. He told me that surgey was imminent and if I wanted more information or to speed things along I could call the Thorax-Surgery department myself the next day. Luckily they also thought time was of the essence so I got the call myself in the morning even before I had woken up. They told me to check in at TYKS A-building, department 211 at 14:00 on Wednesday (9/5) and that I had to spend the night even if the surgery wasn't until Thrusday morning. I got permission to bring my laptop and pretty much anything I wanted so sleeping there shouldn't be a problem..
During Wednesday they took two different blood samples at two separate occasions (one for blood type, the other for compatibility), I also got an EKG and they measured my blood pressure. Then I got to meet the surgeon and his staff and recieved some detailed instructions on post-surgery rehabilitation from a nurse from the physical therapy department. Those included breathing excercises and such because they were going inside the ribcage which could cause lung complications. The main plan was getting inside the ribcage to take a look at the tumor and if possible even remove it, but at least get a biopsy for futher identification. This required at least 3 small holes in my left side, or if needed a larger incision below the ribcage.
Sleeping there was horrible. The bed was uncomfortable, way too narrow and the pillows were flat and lumpy and inside a plastic bag. I did sleep a few scattered hours but they came in already at 5:00 and gave me a Diapam to keep me relaxed while waiting for 8:00 which was go-time! No breakfast or even drink was allowed because most people get sick when the anasthetics wear off. I think I fell alsleep as soon as the Diapam kicked in and woke up as they rolled me away to the OR. (Yeah, I said it, OR!! And I hate hospital TV-series!)
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