Saturday, May 26, 2012

It's gonna be a looong year!

Yeppers! Treatment time! Well next week really, but I can't wait for this thing inside me to start withering away instead of explosively growing inside my chest! The treatment is going to be every three weeks, a few hours at each session and the regimen is a basic CHOP mixed with MabThera (=CHOP-R). The first chemical-cocktail kills pretty much any growing cell in my body and the latter one is a targeted drug for the infected B-cells. I'm also going to be eating a load of pills for nausea, kidney-function-medicine, cortisone and stomach relaxer. But before all this they are still going to run a bunch of tests, a PET scan and also I need to have some sperm frozen in case the cell poison makes me infertile. So next week will be quite action-packed!

I also got declared sick for the remainder of the year because the treatments are apparently heavy enough to keep me from working normally. So 7 months (+ the 2 months I've already had) off work, nice lil' vacation! Guess you gotta grasp for all the positives in these hard times? My offcial diganosis is (C83.31) Lymphoma malignum non-Hodgkin diffuse large B-cell, primary mediastinal, ST IBE. But I'm just gonna call it PMBL (or PMB-NHL, because it's cool to have a disease called NHL?), Primary Mediastinal B-Cell Lymphoma! So PMBL, prepare to die!

The CHOP-R stuff is quite potent and might put my body at risk for infections and such when killing off vital leukocytes. It'll also make me lose all my hair and at times I might be very ill and weak, even so that I won't be out of bed much. But most of the time I should be able to live a relatively normal life (with no excercise or alcohol, normal my a**). But all this risk also means that I won't be dancing at my own wedding this summer, so that's a big bummer (see what I did there..? Go buy me a Hummer!)! But there will be a wedding, just not this year.. We're aiming for February 2013, I should be all clean by then. And I guess it'll be refreshing to have a winter wedding for a change.. =) Our second back-up will be springtime..

So here we go..!!

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