Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Houston, we have a Cancer!

Ok, so the Pathologists finally got off the golf course and back to the lab and now I have an exakt dignosis. I'm not 100% sure yet (medical lingo you know..), but the tumor seems to be a large B-cell NHL (no, not the hockey league), which is situated in the mediastinum, which is the hollow space between the lungs, heart, trachea and other such semi-important human-parts within the ribcage. I'm guessing and hoping it's the "primary" kind which mainly affects young adults like myself, because it seems to be easier to get rid of fully. I have a meeting set up with the oncology depatment for Friday, and they are also going for some bone marrow and a few pints of blood in the beginning of next week to make sure it hasn't spread all over my body. So things are moving on..

The worst cough and bloody slime is also gone now, and I don't think I've been running fevers this week.. Got tired of measuring all the time! (and the pill-popping is also at a minimum) But so far it's been a good week and I'm happy things are going forward at TYKS. I'm also going to try and manage a wedding this weekend so that'll be a little test on my current physique. Might be the last party in a loong time if the docs slap me a strict non-alcohol regime when the treatments start! And the treatments might take up to a year so better make it count.. Just in case! =)


  1. Fy gurka, hörde om dina många vita veckor du måst ta. Herr Sevon-Pion skvallra! Mindre trevligt...

    Livet är hårt!

    PS, man får tydligen inte kommentera som anonym.

  2. Hej Kiku! Min syster Nora berättade om din usla situation och skicka linkkin till din blogi. Kämpa på.
    kram Anna
