Saturday, May 12, 2012

Home sweet home!

After having all the tubes and needles removed on Friday (11/5) morning I started moving around a little bit and felt quite ok. The horrible part was when they pulled out the drain tube! It was like 30cm inside me! YUK!! I got to eat breakfast and go to the toilet and everything! (feels great after being in bed for 24h) I also had visitors dropping in and bringing me goodies all day so I really felt good enough to go home the next day. Also got a lot of information from the doctors in the morning and they gave me a really positive prognosis. So things were looking up! (Considering..)

By 10:30 the nurse had all my papers ready and I started to pack my things. Heidi came a few minutes after 11 and it was bye bye TYKS.. For now! We spent a relaxing night at home since Heidi had cancelled her b-day party because of everything and we went to bed early. Sunday was mothers day so we went to visit my parents and even Heidis parents made the trip from Ekenäs. Sunday night I had a slight fever (37,3C) but no big changes in my condition. I just wish they had stiched up the drain-hole in my side. Now I have to change band-aids (or adhesive bandage) a lot since it's still leaking stuff. I had another slight fever (37,2C) yesterday (15/5) and the cough gets worse at night, but the Ketorin 100mg and Codesan is quite effective at handling that. But I'd guess I'm running another infection.. Again!

So, now all I can do is wait for Friday to get more news on what kind of lymphoma I have. They should have the answer by then but you never know. There are over 70 different kinds so I'm hoping for one of the "easy ones" to beat. They usually are at my age! Until then..

This brings my journal up to date and I'll try to write as things keep happening from now on. Time to start spreading it around I guess! =)

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