Thursday, April 5, 2012

X-Ray and first signs of lung-trouble

Three days later (5/4) I finally got my lungs X-rayed. To this day I just can't understand why they didn't already to that at Terveystalo.. Medical professionals my ass! This was supposed to be a quick in and out procedure but the attentive X-ray nurses told me to go back to see a doctor when they got a look at my lungs. Some kind of oxygen-free pocket at the top of my left lung wasn't looking that good apperently.. So back to Keskusta 3 (same building) to see a doc. Of course with no appointment I ended up waiting about 2h but this time it was totally worth it. I explained my symptoms from the last 3 months and she was really shocked that nobody had done futher examinations earlier. My CRP was once again elevated and the diagnosis was "unknown lung infection" (J18.9). Sick leave until 15.4 and a full set of examinaions for the week after that! Not a great way to start a new career but at least I can finally get some answers! 

This time I got a prescription for Tavanic 500mg antibiotics. (10 days)

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