Friday, April 20, 2012

CAT scan

TGIF, and time for a CT-scan. This time at Turun Kapunginsairaala. Somehow they had failed to inform me to come 1h earlier to binge a few litres of iodine solution but that didn't delay my appointment much. I just had drink faster and somehow I've picked up that skill over the years, no biggie. Since most of the contrast solution had to be fed intravenously I they put a cannula in my arm, I'm pretty sure that was my first time ever. Not a big fan! (Doesn't really hurt though) The procedure itself was easy and fast, just a machine telling you to hold your breath while the bed you're lying on is going back and forth thorugh a big plastic donut which is bombarding you with X-rays. So I'd say the worst part was the cannula. (Or finding a parking spot in the rain)

Now all I had to do was wait for the results back at TYKS 3/5..

1 comment:

  1. you know I have to comment on the big plastic doughnut...and your affinity for simpsons...I cannot leave that one alone. :) and :( all at the same time.
