Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The CAT is my PET

Stay back kids and gannies, daddy is going nuclear! Or at least I was, for a few hours. Went for a complete body scan again and man is it boring! Once they inject the radioactive isotope, you need to lie still for like 50min.. and you can't even read a book! Or play with your phone!! Aaargh! AD/HD kicks in after about 10min, so I'd say at 50min it's borderline torture. At least when you're done, you get to tightly sqeeze inside a huge tube and not move a muscle for another 30min! And all this while glowing like the skyline of Chernobyl of -86. But it's all for the good of my health so enough complaining.. Even the cannula went in on the first attempt. =)

Then I got some interesting results the day after (27/9). I already had a radiation therapy meeting set up for next week but -whooptidoo- change of plans! It seems my stomach wall has some issues with either the pills I've been eating (corticosteroids) or the cancer I've been having so that's what's next on the agenda of check-ups. It's unusually thick or swollen and needs to be checked for cancer just in case. Now how do they do that..? **drumroll and french horns** Esophagogastroduodenoscopy!! Or as us mortals prefer to call it, gastroscopy. Personally I feel like one endoscopy was quite enough and rather unenjoyable too (the lungs), but then again, better to be safe than sorry and it's all for the greater good and blaah blaah. So a little trouble in "paradise" after all. IF it really is lyphoma acting up, even though it's very unlikely, I'll be back on chemo by next week. If not, we can just call this a minor speed bump and radiation will be back on the schedule as planned. Oh and yeah, the tumor is quite tiny now

Edit: Wanted to add this picture here.. Seems suitable for the gastro. =)

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