Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Gastronomical findings?

Some things are, and should be, on a need-to-know-basis (at least in the movies they seem to have lots of that) and maybe that's good. When you get called to a procedure like gastroscopy it's really not good to read up about it too much and see what other people think. It builds up unnecessary anxiety. And for most people an experience like that can be quite traumatic I guess? So after reading up on it quite a lot I was a bit nervous that it would be as horrible as the lung endoscopy.. Well, it's not! Not even same ballpark! Sure you can find better things to do than puking air for 5min straight but this was just another quick stop at the docs office for me. I didn't even take the local anesthesia for this one. I came in, layed down on my left side on the bed, got a thickish (much thicker than the lung-tube) tube in my throat and tried to swallow it.. Then I started throwing up non-stop for a few minutes (which made easy access for the tube) and after a few biopsy claws had been in there, they pulled it out. I thanked for an interesting experience and walked to my car and drove home. Then I ate breakfast! Like a Boss! =)

Sure I had a bit of a sore throat afterwards, but the only thing I was interested in was the findings of the biopsy. They told me they would call me on Monday (8/10), I got the call on Thursday. No biggie, since I wasn't really that worried about it, but still kind of strange to keep me in the dark for over a week. Anyway, got the call and everything was fine as expected, so all this did was postpone the radiation for anther week. I might have some sort of chronic inflammation of the stomach wall but since I've never felt it or had any issues with it what so ever, who cares! I'm busy killing cancer!

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