Thursday, September 13, 2012

Chemo 6 of 6 and Spiro V?

6th time's the charm? Hopefully yeah, and also quite probable judging from the previous check-up. Blood tests went smoothly and all the values have been close to identical every three weeks so it's looking like Mike 6-0 Chemo. The last visit at the day hospital was almost bitter-sweet, almost.. 99% of me never wants to see that place again EVER, but that 1% of me got used to it and it felt somehow safe to be there, knowing that I'm getting taken care of. Even if it means having a god-damned cannula stuck in my vein. (I really hate those things by now!) And also it's the only place I ever read more than 20 pages from a book in one session. Now I'm never going to finsh the three books I have going. Anyway, if everything goes as in Strömsö, I won't have to go back in a long time! (Never say never..)

And then there was spirometry! I've honestly lost count but I have a feeling this is my 5th time.. Could be 6th or 7th if we count the failed attempts and multiple tests per day? However, because I'm a responsible adult and I tend to learn from my mistakes I managed to pull a Britney (Ooops I did it again..) and miss my Monday morning appointment (17/9)! Since I did make it to my second dermatologist appointment (3/9) I guess they thought Monday mornings are fine now somehow..? Well they're not! So after another earfull of bullshit over the phone I got it rescheduled to Thursday 20/9. This time I managed to get there, only about 10min late, since I went to three different places before I was pointed in the right direction. The spirometry and diffusion capacity measurings were done at the allergies-department now. Funny how they seem to have those machines on every floor at TYKS. The good news in all this mess was that my values in capacity, peak flow, diffusion and everything else were all back to normal (89-105% of reference values) compared to the 50-60% readings taken back in May. Lung volume alone went up two litres! So things are really looking peachy! Next stop, PET + CT!!

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