Monday, August 27, 2012


Well I guess it had to happen at least once.. I missed a doctors appointment! For starters it was on a Monday morning, and secondly it wasn't really related to the cancer. So it was doomed to fail. I was going to check up on some skin rashes at the dermatologist to see if they were somehow related to the medicine I'm using but apparently it wasn't that important to me.. I did notice that I had the appointment though but a few hours late. So I called them and played my dumbass-card along with some exceptionally bad excuses and got another appointment for the week after (3/9). On Monday morning! Funny how they seem to have plenty of free timeslots for that time of the week, eh?

I also got to test my cardio-endurance the same week (31/8) when I took a trip to the Nagu forests to look for mushrooms. Usually you don't have to walk that far for a sufficient amount of shrooms to make you satisfied but I guess the strange weather this summer has produced a really shitty shroom-season. We walked around for about 1h20min in rough terrain and I almost had a friggin' heart attack! Sure we found a little something to put in a stew but it wasn't really worth the effort. Jumping Jesus I was exhausted! I could barely walk for two days.. I guess the chemo does have some other negative effects that you don't notice before pushing yourself physically. Anyway, aside from a disappointing amount of forest-loot I got a tick as well. All I need now is a case of Lyme Disease or TBE.

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