Thursday, August 23, 2012

Chemo 5 of 6 and results time!

So one week went by and I finally got to know something about how the tumor is doing in there among all the toxins inside me. Well, it's not good news.. For the tumor!! =) It's down to 5x6cm in size now and has completely withdrawn from covering my left lung. Good old CHOP-R is kicking ass and taking names. Anyway, I'm not gonna start jumpin up and down (in risk of breaking the floor) yet, I'll save it for when the whole thing is dead and gone! After about a month after the 6th treatment I'm gonna go all readioactiveman again and go for a PET-scan where it will be decided how much radiation therapy is needed to blast the rest of the tumor out. Could be 4-6 weeks EVERY friggin' day (working day) for a whopping 1-2min at the time so I'm not looking forward to that. But all means are good means if I get completely cured!

I don't have much to add about the same old boring chemo-visits. I'm back to my good old room with my very capable and nice nurse, so things are running smoothly. They halved my dosage of vincristine so that I might get rid of the numbness in my fingers, hopefully that'll work. I was told (now!) that usually patients stop having finger symptoms between treatments, I've had them for almost two months now. So yeah, time to cut the dose! In worst cases it can be permanent! Apparently the thin nerves at the fingertops can just wither away and never return if you get too much Oncovin. But that's a minor problem. Still feeling good, no other disturbing symptoms and livin' la vida loca. (And for some reason gaining a lot of weight recently.. Typical!) 

Edit (24/7): Whaddaya know.. My fingers are much better now! =)

1 comment:

  1. Vad skönt att höra att behandlingen verkar fungera :) woop woop!
