Thursday, June 21, 2012

Chemo 2 of 6, in the bag!

So once again I'm filled to the brim with toxins and saline solution.. As I was hoping they now know how to work my veins (or at least my regular chemo-nurse does) so no mishaps this time either! =) But how could the tube slip out when it's like 10cm up my hand-vein? (She's using the big cannula now!!) And this time it was only about 6h of which 30min was spent in the doctors office discussing my progess, which also was pretty much packed with good news. My liver is doing fine, the CRP is back to zero (don't know if it has been under 50 during the whole year) and the leukocytes have bounced back to normal since the previous treatment. So no immediate infection-risk going on! And all the other blood values are in rage of normal too. I'm fit as as a fiddle! (Well, almost..)

Today I'm going to shave the rest of my head because I'm starting to drop itchy little straws all over.. Even though I have been -almost- bald lots of times I have never done a clean shave, so this will be interesting! And I wouldn't wanna make a hairy mess in other peoples beds now that we're going to Nagu over midsummer.. This might be my first midsummer with no alcohol involved since 1993, haha! That will also be extremely interesting! =) Other than that I have no big plans for the summer, I guess lots of fishing when I get around to it and hanging around where ever life takes me. So still feeling good, but very tired.. Still: Mike 2 - 0 Chemo

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