Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The bald and the beautiful?

Yup! It's a hairy business, but yesterday I started losing the little fur I still have on my head. Noticed something itchy on my neck and ran my hand over my head and found it was full of lose hair! Kinda makes it all a bit more real again.. Other than that I've had very little syptoms so far. Had one episode of feeling like crap and having a splitting head ache after a short nap, but it passed after taking a handful of pills. (Yeah, they really do help sometimes!) I also have a bunch of weird rashes that might be some kind of allergic symptoms but I'll let the doctors decide on that one. (Yeah, they do know some stuff as well..)

Also had my pre-chemo blood tests taken this morning, and hear this, no f*ck-ups!! =) One little prick and it was all over! Wohoo! Hopefully that'll continue tomorrow.. *knocking on wood and stuff* I'll probably write another update tomorrow so I'll keep this one short and sweet.. Cheerio.

Edit: My pill stash.. Take a handful each day! =) (At least 4 days after treatment)

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