Saturday, June 2, 2012

Chemotherapy 1 of 6, done!

And still feeling.. pretty good!! I've been waiting for all kinds of symptoms now for two whole days but nothing seems to happen? Is this the calm before the storm? Hope not, if only possible I wouldn't mind feeling this ok the whole 5 months! =) So I'll call it Mike 1 - 0 Chemo, so far! Also I got some results from the PET scan and things are looking positive there also! No other tumors anywhere in the body and the one tumor had only grown slightly, laterally on the left side. The edges are very much metabolically active but the centre of the tumor seems necrotic. So I'm guess it won't be too hard to kill off this invading bastard!

Apparently my bloodwork and bonemarrow is excellent too. Pretty much every possible value is within range (normal), which is nice! (Some anomalies can be spotted but they all seem related to the cancer). The white blood cell count is very high! So maybe I can stand to lose a few when the chemicals start mass-killing my cells after a week or so. They say risk for infection is at it's highest after 7-10 days after treatments. So the second weekend after chemo I'm not going anywhere close to sick people.. Or maybe people in general? I need to get myself one of those bubbles to stay inside! =)

Next treatment is one day before midsummer-eve.. Until then, do your job oh mighty poison!

Edit: Added some pics of the X-mas tree of the CHOP-R stuff and the "mehukatti" (Hydroxydaunorubicin) going in my vein. (Makes the urine and mucus red for a while which is a little bit scary)

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