Sunday, July 15, 2012

Chemo 3 of 6 completed, still rockin'..

Yupyup, one more down (12/5) and still no bigger issues in the health department.. Two tired days and numb fingers is what I have to show for, not bad! I've also tried a bit of Frisbee Golf and some cykling so far, both have been kind of bordeline exhausting but still doable! =) The bloodwork from 11/7 came back almost identical as last time, so I'm still bouncing back from the toxins in three weeks intervals and they finally took the Alpha 1-Antitrypsin test and it also came back negative. No deficiancy yet. (And I'm putting down YET here because I'll probably get it later in life anyway!)

Yesterday should've been the day of our wedding but instead of moping about it we went out in Turku and did all sorts of crazy stuff with a bunch of friends. Like a little downhill carting at the Turku ski-center and taking the city tourist-train drinking sparkling wine all around Turku! =) So it was a fun weekend with friends just like the wedding would've been! So now we can start to focus on things to come next winter.. Still aiming on February but we'll now more when I've had the next CT-scan 14/8! =)

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