Sunday, February 26, 2012

Heart attack?!?!

26/2 was a weird evening. I had been quite well since January but every now and then the wheezing and bubbling had been an irritating factor when sleeping but I guess I kinda got used to it. I think I tried the inhaler once since I got it. Anyway, it was late Sunday evening and while watching TV my left side was cramping up and I started to have shooting pain around my ribcage and along my left arm and shoulder. Having watched a lot of movies with people getting heart attacks I felt like I was having all the symptoms associated with that. Since the pain was getting gradually worse we (Heidi and I) decided to drive the emergency room at Turun Kaupunginsairaala. By the time we left, 23-ish, the pain was so bad I couldn't stand up straight so Heidi had to drive me and scrape the windows of the car too. (It was very cold outside)

Even though I didn't REALLY think I was having a heart attack I was really worried about the pain around the heart and lung region.. You can't play around with that stuff. So at the emergency room we stood at the information desk for several minutes and nobody paid any attention to us. (I was standing crooked like Quasimodo but that didn't have any effect either) After a good 5-10min a lady opened the window at the desk and asked what we wanted.. I went up to her and said I might be having a heart attack, but by all means, don't let me disturb you or anything. That got her attention and in a jiff I had nurse pulling me into one of the roms for an EKG. Ok, that's a first, was kinda cool and scary at the same time. Had like 8-10 stickers slapped on me connected to wires and stuff and quite soon it became clear there's nothing wrong with my heart. Blood pressure was good too.

So now we had to wait for the doctor (should call them psysician, but doctor is easier and commonly used) on call, the queue was a good 4-5 patients. When I finally got my turn she dismissed the heart attack and suggested some kind of bronchitis but had to get a blood sample to see if my infection value (CRP) was up (surprisingly I also had 38C+ fever going). So back to the nurse and then again back to the doc (and queue) and all this took like 2,5h.. The doctor thought I should get a shot of antibiotics intravenously because all the drug stores were closed so I had to make a third trip to the nurse. Because I'm a big man I needed two shots (in the ass!) but the clumsy nurse sprayed the other one all over my butt so she had to leave and mix another batch so that delayed everything another 10-15min. And poor Heidi had work in the morning. I guess mondays are supposed to suck..? I think we got in bed around 2a.m.

I got a prescription for Doximed 100mg antibiotics (10 days).

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