Monday, April 11, 2016

Oh right, still alive and kicking! ;)

Greetings folks! No, I don't expect anyone is reading this anymore.. But still I've had this post on my to-do-list for 3yrs now and somehow the ol' thumb has been lodged in my downstairs opening for this long. Well here we are, it's 2016 and I'm all done with CAT-scans for now. The last one was November 2015 and things are looking good so no more unnecessary radiation unless I show signs of sickness again. Even the blood test got moved up 2 years this time around so hopefully no needles in this guy before 2017. The last two needle-appointments have been surprisingly good, but 2014 was a total fail-a-thon. The blood test took 4 attempts to find a working vein but the all time record was for the CAT-scan cannula a few days later, 7 holes!! I will never forget that.. Two nurses failed on both arms up to 5 times and then they called down the expert from the upper floor to do it and even he failed once! :D He ended up putting it in my hand right next to the pinky finger, hurt like hell. Lot of weakness left the body that day..

Anyway, so much time has passed so I'm a bit hazy with the details of my previous visits but all in all I'm pretty much cured. I left lymphoma indeed.. Kickass! I'm still fat, old and lazy but at least I get a few more years of life if I can keep myself healthy and strong. I did get married 2013 and I'm on my third/fourth job since then so life is back to normal. I have also surpassed all my previous weightlifting personal bests since before my illness so no apparent harm in muscle function (even though I have some problems with my shoulder atm, but I guess that's a part of lifting weights you can't escape). The only thing that I didn't drop was the weight (FAT!) I gained for loafing around in the sofa for a year, maybe some day..? (Yeah right)

Anyway, life's good and I presume this may be the very last post in this blog, since blog writing is stoopid. Thanks to everyone who read this over the years and I'm happy if I have helped someone who is going through similar things in life. Cancer is a bitch and most of us either get it or have someone close to us who gets it sooner or later, all we can do is fight back with everything we have.. And then some.. I was one of the lucky ones who made it thanks to our awesome healthcare at TYKS and the professionals in medicine who save lives every day. I owe my life to you. Thank you.

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