Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I can see the light..

Yup, I can see the light now! It's almost over and it seems I won this round. Had my last visit to the blood lab, the last doctors' appointment for a long time and there's only three treatments left! Not much news from the doc really, they won't declare me 100% healthy for another 5 years or so (if ever?), but the treatments are officially over Monday 19/11 and then there will be nothing hospital-related for about 3 months. The effect of the radiation will go on for a few weeks after the final blast. The risk of getting lymphoma-reloaded is there, but it's not that big. If I do get sick again, at least they will know it at an early stage since I'm going to have regular check-ups for at least those 5 years. The risk of renewal is at it's highest within 2 years from when the treatments end, so every pit-stop will be a nail-biter for that period of time.

The soarness in the throat is slightly better too, either I'm getting used to the pain or maybe the body learned how to handle the radiation and produce sufficient mucus (gotta love that word) anyway? I hope my throat goes back to normal soon.. Also I had quite the sendoff from the blood lab yesterday (13/11). It was the worst amateur EVER!! And yes, it was a man. He kept tapping my veins for a long time, switched arms, taptaptap, went back to the left arm, taptaptap.. Then he made a leap of faith and stuck the needle in.. Nothing! Kept digging.. Nothing! Took it out, stuck it back in.. Nothing! GOD DAMN DUDE!! How hard can it be?? At this point I started to feel a bit queezy but at the same time he gave up decided to draw blood from my hand. Haha! My HAND!! Jeez what an amateur.. Well he got the job done. I don't like the blood lab anymore. Not that it has ever been a contending favourite in life. Today I made my last visit to the lab, fortunately only for a routine EKG. As I might've mentioned earlier, the radiation area is also covering my heart and lungs so they need to follow up on that too, so I don't get any immediate complications. But now it's safe to say: no more lab for months! =)


  1. Hi Michael,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?



  2. Yeah I did, but it seems it's not working.. What's your e-mail?
